Congratulations. You've made it half way through the week and it's time to treat yourself to a mini spa. You will need 4 things, a face towel, Dr. Bonner's Peppermint Soap, Naris Up Skin Conditioner and cotton pads.
What you shall do is take your shower as normal and add a couple drops of the Dr. Bronner's Peppermint soap to the towel and soak and wring out the towel in warm/hot water a few times. Then place the towel over your face and leave it there. When the towel gets cold, soak and wring out the towel again and place it on your face again. You can repeat this as many times as you want, probably should stop before you get too pruney though. Then if you want, you can lightly scrub your face with the towel to wash your face.
Then once you're done with that, pat your face dry and then soak your cotton pad with the skin conditioner and the place the cotton pads all over your face for a quick make shift facial sheet mask like in the picture. Leave the cotton pads on there until it dries. Now your face will feel super soft and moisturized. Then apply any serums you use and moisturize as usual.
Now to talk about some alternatives. For the Dr. Bonner's soap, there are different ones for different skin concerns. I personally like the peppermint one cause it feels so refreshing. If you want to feel more relaxed, there's a lavender version. If you have acne prone skin, there's a tea tree oil version. Same with the Skin Conditioner, there are different ones for different skin concerns. I have the blue one which contains hyaluronic acid which helps to replenish moisture.
Happy hump day! The weekend is almost here.