Sunday, January 12, 2014

Check Out My Instagram!!

What more do I have to say? I've posted my very first picture of my NOTD (nail of the day.) You guys will soon learn that I am a nail polish addict. And rather than trying to keep up and write posts about my nail obsession of the moment, I figured I'd just create an extra outlet for it. Of course it's not going to be only pictures of nails. You'll just have to wait and see what else I come up with.

And of course, coming into the game so late, I couldn't find a matching name to match the blog. But what can you do. Check it out:

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Must Have : Foam Roller

I would have never thought I'd be writing a post about foam rollers, but here it is. I am only writing this because I truly believe everyone should have one of these. And even if you don't, I will talk about a quick trick in getting the same results.

Okay, I work in an office. I am basically sitting in front of a computer all day except for the occasional, I can't sit still any more break. When I get home, I'm still on the computer, so basically a lot of sitting all day long. When you sit, you're putting pressure on your lower back. Its inevitable that at some point in your day, there is a prolonged amount of time when you're sitting. Whether it'd be at work, in your car, eating dinner, relaxing in front of television or computer, you're sitting. All this pressure can make your back hurt. And if any of you have ever experienced any sort of back pain, you know it is not fun.

Well this is where the foam roller comes in. It helps alleviate the pain. The "science" behind it is, in your joints, there is a liquid that keeps your joints lubricated, this liquid contains dissolved gas. As the gas builds up, so does the pressure. When you crack your knuckles or your back you're releasing this gas, therefore relieving the pressure causing the pain. And this is where the foam roller comes in.

All you do is sit on the floor and place the foam roller behind you about a foot away from where your bottom touches the ground, then you slowly lay down and roll yourself away from the roller til you get to about the bottom of your shoulder blades. If this makes no sense to you, Google it, there are plenty of videos out there teaching you how to use it.

What if you're in a pinch and you don't have one? Don't worry, as long as you have a bed or a couch, you will be set. Of course, this way isn't as safe and you risk falling on your head and embarrassment if you're in front of someone. What you do is lay on the bed on your back with your head over the edge. Slowly inch yourself off over the bed and letting gravity do its thing. Keep your arms over your head to catch yourself before you fall.

Obviously, I am not a doctor or a professional, so please be careful. If you're worried, please consult your doctor before attempting anything.