Sunday, May 12, 2013

A Bad Day...

Ever have one of those plain old bad days? Well, it really has been one of those days where Murphy's Law is in full effect. Within a 24 hour time frame, someone put a nasty dent in my car's bumper, I scratched the face of my watch that is less than a year old, I drop my phone that is less than a month old into water, and the lady at the movie theater lied to my friend and I telling us that there wasn't a lot of people watching 'The Great Gatsby' when we purchased our tickets. It really has just been a bad day. (First world problems, I know. But it's my day and I can call it a bad one if I want to.:])My patience has been well tested in the last 24 hours.

I think you know you've grown up when these things happen and you don't immediately freak out and panic. It's so easy to panic and go crazy about what has happened. I don't think I've ever been this calm when all these bad things are happening around me. I know that if it had been a few years ago, I'm sure my reaction would not be the same and I'd be stressing myself out beyond belief.

I remember watching an Asian drama where character said, "if a problem can be resolved with money, then it is not a problem." Keep in mind, these words came from a character that was well off and a CEO of some company. But if you think about it, it actually is true. All of the bad things that have happened today, they can all be resolved. It will cost a pretty penny or two to fix it, but other than that, it really isn't a problem. I guess another way to look at it is, at the end of the day, no one was hurt. The hit and run could have happened while I was on the road in the car. In which case I'd be in lots of pain right now. As for the watch and phone, both these items can either be repaired or replaced, no big deal. And the movie? It can be seen on a different day.

It's so easy to freak out and panic. But you always have to look at the brighter side of things. Although all in all the day has not been the greatest, there were a couple highlights. I was able to visit the Taiwanese American Heritage Festival which was pretty cool. I was also able to finally find the glass jars with handles on them so they can be used as cups! I remember the first time having an Arnold Palmer and it was being sipped out of a glass jar with a handle on it. Ever since, I have been on a hunt for them. So Although today has been a pretty bad day, there has been some ups to it. Also, I got great deals while shopping today.

I guess the message I want to leave you guys with is, stay positive! It's very easy to just get mad and hate the world and everyone in it, but you'll feel so much better if you just let it go. How do you guys deal with a bad day?

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