Sunday, December 29, 2013

Carpe Diem

'Carpe diem quam minimum credula postero.'-Horace

I'm sure we've all heard the phrase, 'carpe diem,' to seize the day. This phrase in it's entirety means to take fate into your own hands and do all that you can to make your life better. This is so important and so many people have lost touch with this idea. The idea that your future is in your hands and that you ultimately can change your future for the better seems so foreign to some people. This idea applies to so many aspects of life. Whether it's something materialistic, one's health, or even one's surroundings, they're all obtainable if you try.

The reason this idea came to my mind and pushed me to blog about it is because of several life encounters. Now, personally, I have been taught, whether it's by my parents or friends or even just life in general, if you want something, nothing feels better than taking action and working towards getting that something you want. Like I said, whether it be something materialistic or heck, even better grades, nothing feels better than knowing you got to your goal after lots of hard work. Therefore I am a strong believe of if you want something, work hard and get it. Because at the end of the day, it's a lot easier to work hard for something, rather than waiting for something to land on your lap.

So I guess the point of this rant is, whether it's a new handbag you want or that new lifestyle you want or something you just want in general, YOU have to go do something about it. And trust me, there is nothing more satisfying than working for what you want (good things come to those that wait.) Be proactive and always have that end goal in mind.

With that said, I want to win the lottery! Note to self: go buy a lottery ticket... jk!!(a girl can dream right?)

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